• General obstetrics

  • 877 | 885
  • ISBN: 978-9910-9423-6-5
  • Автор: Khudoyarova D.R.
  • Язык: English
  • Пишу: lotin
  • Тип ресурса: textbook
  • Число страниц: 96
  • Издательский: Samarqand
  • Количество: 200
  • Год публикации: 2023
  • Выходные данные: Samarkand

Описание книги

This textbook contains whole information about normal anatomy of female reproductive tract, physiology of pregnancy, normal labor and delivery, principles of normal labor biomechanism. Situational tasks and subject tests aimed for increasing students' knowledge reflected in the textbook enrich its content and help to conduct lessons based on new pedagogical technologies.
The textbook can be used by teachers and students of higher medical educational establishments as a resource in their practice.