• Bioethics

  • 475 | 211
  • ISBN: 978-9943-0000-00-1
  • Автор: Z.M. Mukhamedova
  • Язык: English
  • Пишу: latin
  • Тип ресурса: Textbook
  • Число страниц: 352
  • Издательский: Lesson press
  • Год публикации: 2024
  • Выходные данные: Toshkent

Описание книги

The textbook is devoted to the basics of bioethics as a new interdisciplinary direction. The authors of the textbook, a philosopher, a doctor and a lawyer, were triune in their desire to reflect the key problems of the theoretical foundations and practical applications of bioethical knowledge, to accompany them with international regulatory documents and laws, decrees, and legislative acts adopted in the Republic of Uzbekistan. 
The tests and cases included in the textbook will help to understand the features of bioethics and apply the knowledge gained in practice. The textbook contains a glossary of basic bioethical terms and personalities from this field of science and everyday bioethical practice.