• Physical development of children with cerebral palsy

  • 362 | 105
  • ISBN: 978-9910-771-42-2
  • Автор: Z.F. Mavlyanova., S.A. Bondarev
  • Язык: English
  • Пишу: latin
  • Тип ресурса: monograf
  • Число страниц: 116
  • Издательский: Samarqand
  • Количество: 200
  • Год публикации: 2024
  • Выходные данные: Samarkand

Описание книги

The monograph contains information on the importance of systematic clinical and neurological monitoring of patients with cerebral palsy, including, along with standardized methods of medical examination, assessment of physical development. The data presented in the monograph will make it possible to cany out timely prevention of secondary complications, as well as to give parents of a sick child recommendations for development of the child, taking into account the identified symptoms.