• Prospective study of patients with foot burns in Samarkand

  • 1087 | 104
  • ISBN: 978-1-62257-024-9
  • Автор: Shakirov B. M.
  • Язык: english
  • Пишу: english
  • Тип ресурса: monograph
  • Число страниц: 216 p
  • Издательский: Nova Biomedical
  • Год публикации: 2013
  • Выходные данные: New York

Описание книги

This monograph is based on the practical work of the Samarkand inter-Regional burn Center and Burn department of RSCUMA and literary data, the regulations of scietific and practical achievements in the treatment of foot burns and their consequences have been analyzed. The problems and tasks in the field of scientific research and the treatment of foot burns have been interpreted in detail and systematically. This treatise is illustrated by colored figures and schemes, making the material more understandable. There are 105 figures, 19 tables and this monograph is of great interest among combustiologists, traumatologists, orthopedists and surgeons, performing reconstructive surgery.