• Pediatric Critical Care Study Guide

  • 681 | 557
  • ISBN: 978-0-85729-922-2
  • Author: Robert F
  • Lang: English
  • Writing: english
  • Resource type: training guide
  • Number of pages: 971
  • Year of publication: 2012

Book description

The multidisciplinary nature of pediatric critical care medicine creates a considerable chal- lenge to those who seek to master the discipline. The knowledge that the critical care pedia- trician must possess encompasses aspects of many different organ based specialties. Our goal for this text is to help young critical care physicians to review and master fundamental principles of our specialty for the purpose of achieving certifi cation. In addition, we hope that the text will be a practical resource for the practice of pediatric critical care incorporat- ing concepts of pathophysiology, therapeutic theory and management principals.