Information resource center
In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated June 20, 2006 on the organization of information and library provision of the population of the Republic, higher education libraries began to operate as Information Resource Centers.
The purpose of the Law on Information and Library Activities, adopted on April 13, 2011, is to regulate relations in the field of information and library activities. Taking into account modern requirements, conditions have been created to provide users with more comprehensive and systematic information aimed at meeting the intellectual needs of the younger generation, preserving cultural, spiritual and moral values. The fund of the Information Resource Center is replenished with the latest medical literature published by leading national and foreign publishers. SamMMI IRC fund has more than 350,000 printed, educational, scientific, educational, methodological, artistic and foreign literature. There are 110 950 copies of textbooks and 182 861 copies of scientific literature at the disposal of users. In addition to books in Uzbek (Latin, Cyrillic) and Russian, the departments have major foreign publications and textbooks in English and German. The Foreign Literature Fund has about 10,000 publications.
The main purpose of the center
- Providing users with access to information and library resources;
- Creating conditions to meet the intellectual, spiritual, moral, cultural and educational needs of users;
- Assistance in the restoration and further development of national culture, preservation of historical, spiritual and cultural heritage of the people of Uzbekistan;
- Ensuring the mutual use of information and library resources based on information and communication technologies.
The main tasks of the center are
More than 9,000 users use the services of the center, and the number of provided resources exceeds 500,000. IRC SamMI provides services to students, master's residents, clinical residents, cadets of qualified medical institutes, as well as specialists of relevant medical professions. The number of visits annually exceeds 200,000. Users will receive multimedia materials, including audio and video materials on anatomy, plastic surgery, cardiology, laboratory diagnostics, biology, physics, forensic chemistry, pediatric surgery, anesthesiology and resuscitation and other disciplines, as well as monographs, textbooks and manuals. Applications are provided.

The needs and requirements of readers, professors, students, masters, clinical residents and medical staff are constantly met. The Information Resource Center and the e-library are software that allows readers to find the necessary literature, magazines, books and books in electronic form and information, which is constantly updated and reliable medical information, as well as the necessary information quickly and easily. fully enriched with data. The goal of creating e-learning is to improve the quality of medical education and the effectiveness of medical care. The electronic catalog contains monographs, textbooks, manuals, dissertations and theses of dissertations, works of SamMI scientists, bibliographic records of medical periodicals. Today, the electronic library has more than 20,000 electronic copies. These include textbooks, monographs, manuals, lectures, curricula, atlases, encyclopedic materials, textbooks, magazine articles, works of art, and other publications.
The Medical Library is in close contact with the medical libraries of the largest universities in the country - the State Scientific Medical Library of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the regional scientific and medical library. Scientific and medical libraries of the 1st Moscow Medical Institute I.M.Sechenev, 2nd Moscow Medical Institute N.I. Pirogov, Ternopil National Medical University named after I. Gorbachevsky of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, TashMA, FarMI, AndMI, BuxMI and others.
The library has repeatedly received honorary certificates throughout its history, took first place in the review of medical libraries organized by the Republican Organizing Committee, has a "First Class Diploma" of the Ministry of Culture. The library staff was awarded diplomas from the Ministry of Higher Education, the Ministry of Health, the administration and the local committee for their outstanding work.
Current employees of the department (FIO, position, photo with general staff)
Staff currently working at the Information Resource Center
Mansurova Dilshoda Zokirovna
Hodasevich Svetlana
Fayziyeva Hadichara Abduraimovna
Erkulova Manzura Alikulovna
Xudayberdieva Gavhar Ismailovna
Kim Benna Vladimirovna
Bazarova Shohista Nizamovna
Maqsudova Bahora Sultanovna
Jabborqulova Nafisa Ishanqulovna
Ashurova Martaba Ashurovna
Ataeva Obida Sayfievna
Qanoatova Yulduz Boxodirovna
Tursunova Maxbuba Xolmirzayevna
Turdiyeva Mexriniso Abdusamatovna
Rashidova Sevara Ruziboy kizi
Mirzayeva Navruza Kamaliddinovna
Ortiqova Maxbuba Xaytboyevna
Bobokulova Aziza Kurashboyevna
Sultanova Laylo Shamsiyevna
Pirmamedova Fotima Dilmuradovna
Najmiyeva Farangiz Faxriddinovna
Bazarova Charos Bobirovna
Zayniyeva Hafiza Furkatovna