• Latin and Fundamentals of Medical Terminology

  • 1094 | 726
  • ISBN: 985-496-063-3
  • Author: Д.К. Кондратьев, О.Е. Вылегжанина, Ю.В. Князева
  • Lang: English
  • Writing: lotin
  • Resource type: textbook
  • Number of pages: 250
  • Publishing: GrGMU
  • Number: 100
  • Year of publication: 2005
  • Published: Gordono

Book description

Textbook “Latin and Fundamentals of Medical Terminology” is designed to be a comprehensive textbook covering the entire curriculum for medical students in this subject. The course “Latin and Fundamentals of Medical Terminology” is a two-semester course that introduces students to the Latin and Greek medical terms that are commonly used in Medicine.  The aim of the two-semester course is to achieve an active command of basic grammatical phenomena and rules with a special stress on the system of the language and on the specific character of medical terminology, and that to the extent that enables an active use of Latin and Greek medical terms and promote further own work with them.