• Biological role of trace elements, hair and wool as indicators of pollution by technogenic and geochemical sources

  • 1090 | 854
  • Author: Nazarova F.SH., Djumanova N.E. Toshmamatov B.N.
  • Lang: English
  • Writing: lotin
  • Resource type: monograph
  • Number of pages: 118
  • Publishing: Tibbiyot ko'zgusi
  • Number: 500
  • Year of publication: 2023
  • Published: Samarkand

Book description

The identification o f the biological and physico-chemical bases o f the migration, concentration, and function o f metal ions in living organisms in phylo - and ontogenesis is a problem that attracts the attention o f various branches o f modern science, including biochemistry, biogeochemistry, bioorganic and bio-nonorganic chemistry, biotechnology, and other areas o f physico-chemical biology. In this regard, it is o f considerable interest to study the chemical interaction o f specific ligand centers o f biomolecules with metal ions, which underlies their metabolism and reactions on the interaction o f environmental factors.