• Gynaecology by Ten Teachers

  • 558 | 597
  • ISBN: 978-1-4987-4428-7
  • Author: Taylor & Francis Group
  • Lang: English
  • Writing: lotin
  • Resource type: textbook
  • Number of pages: 399
  • Year of publication: 2017
  • Published: UK

Book description

This    book    contains    information    obtained    from    authentic    and    highly    regarded    sources.    While    all    reasonable    efforts   have    been    made    to    publish reliable    data    and    information,    neither    the    author[s]    nor    the    publisher    can    accept   any    legal    responsibility    or    liability    for    any    errors    or    omissions that     may     be     made.     The     publishers     wish     to    make     clear     that     any     views     or     opinions     expressed     in     this     book     by     individual     editors,     authors     or contributors    are    personal    to    them    and    do    not    necessarily    reflect    the    views/opinions    of    the    publishers.    The   information    or    guidance    contained    in this    book    is    intended    for    use    by    medical,    scientific    or    health-care    professionals    and    is    provided    strictly    as    a    supplement    to    the    medical    or    other professional’s    own    judgement,    their    knowledge    of    the    patient’s    medical    history,    relevant    manufacturer’s    instructions    and    the    appropriate    best practice    guidelines.    Because    of    the    rapid    advances    in    medical    science,    any    information    or    advice    on    dosages,    procedures    or    diagnoses    should be    independently    verified.