• Medical biology bases of medical parasitology. human nematodoses and trematodoses

  • 723 | 216
  • ISBN: 978-9910-740-27-5
  • Author: Nazarova F.SH., va boshq
  • Lang: English
  • Writing: lotin
  • Resource type: study guide
  • Number of pages: 132
  • Number: 100
  • Year of publication: 2023
  • Published: Tashkent

Book description

This textbook is intended for students of medical universities, it provides modern ideas about helminths and helminthology, nematodes, trematodes, their structure, diseases caused by them, as well as specific symptoms, diagnostic methods and differential diagnostics are covered. Emphasis is placed on personal and public preventive measures. Brief information about human parasitic roundworms, their pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment methods is presented. Studying the information presented in the textbook will help students to have the right idea in the formation of knowledge about helminths. Taking into account the above, we believe that this study guide is useful for students of the medical university.