• The constitution of the republic of Uzbekistan

  • 979 | 838
  • ISBN: 978-9943-9506-3-4
  • Author: M. Omonov
  • Lang: o'zbek
  • Writing: lotin
  • Resource type: CONSTITUTION
  • Number of pages: 82
  • Publishing: O'ZBEKISTON
  • Number: 2250
  • Year of publication: 2023
  • Published: Toshkent

Book description

We, the united people of Uzbekistan: solemnly declaring our adherence to human rights and freedoms, national and universal values, the principles of state sovereignty; affirming our commitment to the ideals of democracy, freedom and equality, social justice and solidarity; being aware of our ultimate responsibility to the present and future generations for building a humane democratic state, an open and just society in which a human, their life, freedom, honour and dignity are of the highest value;