• Methods of checking a healthy and sick child

  • 392 | 803
  • ISBN: 978-9910-9472-4-7
  • Author: Shadieva K. N.
  • Lang: English
  • Writing: latin
  • Resource type: Manual
  • Number of pages: 104
  • Publishing: Samarqand
  • Number: 200
  • Year of publication: 2023
  • Published: Samarkand

Book description

The manual is recommended for students of all faculties, residents, master‘s-degree students and practicing pediatricians, studying in English. In the proposed training manual, the issues of the methodology for examining the organs and systems of the child, taking into account age characteristics, are considered The compiler used the methods of standardization at a high level. The presentation of the content is adapted to educational technologies and complies with accepted standards. The presentation of the material is given sequentially, without unnecessary’ details, using figures, diagrams, photos, algorithms and tables. Based on this, it can be said, that the manual can be useful in acquiring skills and clinical knowledge