• Introduction to the medical profession (surgery)

  • 406 | 783
  • ISBN: 978-9910-771-29-3
  • Author: Yunusov O.T
  • Lang: English
  • Writing: latin
  • Resource type: tutorial
  • Number of pages: 156
  • Publishing: Samarqand
  • Year of publication: 2024
  • Published: Samarkand

Book description

The textbook contains information about the work and organization of the surgical emergency department, the structure, mode of operation and equipment of the surgical department, medical ethics and deontology in surgery, preparing patients for surgical practice, caring for patients in the postoperative period, the basics of antisepsis and asepsis in surgery, methods of using antiseptics, nosocomial infections, catering for patients in the surgical department, dietary nutrition, methods of prevention and treatment, displaying information about the nutrition of seriously ill patients, in terminal cases and the basics of resuscitation.