• Pharmaceutical analysis methods

  • 301 | 634
  • ISBN: 978-9910-9184-4-5
  • Author: BAYKULOV A.K.
  • Lang: English
  • Writing: latin
  • Resource type: textbook
  • Number of pages: 138
  • Publishing: Bilig-ilmiy faoliyat
  • Number: 100
  • Year of publication: 2024
  • Published: Samarkand

Book description

The use of analytical sciences in the discovery, development and manufacture of pharmaceuticals is wide ranging. From the analysis of minute amounts of complex biological materials to the quality’ control of the final dosage form, the use of analytical technology covers an immense range of techniques and disciplines. This study guide concentrates on the analytical aspects of drug development and manufacture, focusing on the analysis of the active ingredient or drug substance.