• Introduction to propaedeutics of internal diseases and the basics of physical examination methods

  • 672 | 421
  • ISBN: 978-9943-8766-1-3
  • Muallif: Ishankulova.D.K.
  • Til: English
  • Yozuv: latin
  • Resurs turi: Lesson
  • Betlar soni: 158
  • Nashriyot: Sogdiana ideal print
  • Adadi: 100
  • Chop etilgan yili: 2022

Kitob ta'rifi

The study of methods of physical examination of patients, described in the manual, allows the student to better formulate qualifications (the ability to assess morphofunctional, physiological states and pathological processes in the human body in order to solve professional problems) and to identify the disease, or to determine the presence or absence of the disease, is aimed at increasing the readiness of patients to collect The first topic that introduces the student to the clinic of internal diseases is the concept of internal diseases propaedeutics (diagnostic bases). The purpose of this science is guided by the rational approach to the evaluation of the main manifestations of diseases of internal organs.