• SCALE UP (Student's Book) Course 1

  • 829 | 970
  • Muallif: Bakieva G., Rashidova F., Khodjieva R., Samatova B., Karimova D., Tursunov M., Shamsimatova B., Shakhakimova M., Kasimova Z., Djalaliddinova M
  • Til: English
  • Yozuv: latin
  • Resurs turi: Lesson
  • Betlar soni: 100

Kitob ta'rifi

Scale Up Coursel, Student’s Book consists of four themed units, with four topical lessons and a unit review in each. Coursel is assumed for approximately 100-110 hours. Each lesson starts with colorful lead-in activity shifting students focus on new topic. Lead-in activity is followed by listening and speaking and then grammar, reading, writing activitie respectively. 
Reading and listening have pre-, while-, post- activities which allow students practice their receptive skills.