• Economics

  • 647 | 772
  • ISBN: 978-0-07-351129-0
  • Muallif: Paul A. Samuelson
  • Til: English
  • Yozuv: lotin
  • Resurs turi: handbook
  • Betlar soni: 745
  • Nashriyot: McGraw-Hill/Irwin
  • Chop etilgan yili: 2010
  • Chiqish ma’lumotlari: New York

Kitob ta'rifi

Often, economics appears to be an endless procession of new puzzles, problems, and dilemmas. But as experienced teach-ers have learned, there are a few basic concepts that underpin all of economics. Once these concepts have been mastered, learning is much quicker and 
more enjoyable. W e have therefore chosen to focus on the central core of economics—on those enduring truths that will be just as important in the twenty-fi rst century as they were in the twentieth.