• Modern diagnosis and treatment of the brain arterial aneurysms

  • 476 | 818
  • Muallif: Mamadaliev A. M.
  • Til: English
  • Yozuv: lotin
  • Resurs turi: Educational and methodological manual
  • Betlar soni: 34
  • Nashriyot: Samarqand
  • Adadi: 90
  • Chop etilgan yili: 2022
  • Chiqish ma’lumotlari: Samarkand

Kitob ta'rifi

The main theoretical and practical issues related to cerebral aneurysms are reflected. The anatomy of cerebral vessels, etiology. pathogenesis, clinic, diagnostics, differential diagnostics of cerebral aneurysms are covered in detail Modern methods of diagnostics and surgical treatment are presented. A l the end there are test questions, situational tasks and practical skills on this topic.
Educational and methodological recommendations are intended for residents of the magistracy, clinical residents and senior students of medical universities.