• Textbook of radiology and imaging

  • 483 | 285
  • ISBN: 0 443 07108X
  • Muallif: DAVID SUTTON
  • Til: English
  • Yozuv: latin
  • Resurs turi: textbook
  • Betlar soni: 931
  • Nashriyot: Elsevier
  • Chop etilgan yili: 2003
  • Chiqish ma’lumotlari: China

Kitob ta'rifi

Medical knowledge is constantly changing. As new information becomes available, changes in treatment, procedures, equipment and the use of drugs become necessary. The editors, contributors and the publishers have, as far as it is possible, taken care to ensure that the information given in this text is accurate and up to date. However, readers are strongly advised to confirm that the information, especially with regard to drug usage, complies with the latest l egislation and standards of practice.