• General surgery

  • 643 | 600
  • ISBN: 978-5-9704-3491-8
  • Muallif: Gostishchev V.K.
  • Til: English
  • Yozuv: latin
  • Resurs turi: manual
  • Betlar soni: 381
  • Nashriyot: ГЭОТАР-Медиа
  • Chop etilgan yili: 2015
  • Chiqish ma’lumotlari: Москва

Kitob ta'rifi

Over a decade has elapsed since the earlier Russian edition of the manual was published. A number of dramatic changes have taken place in surgery at large, which invariably have affected the syllabus and methods of teaching general surgery in medical schools. This manual is aimed at meeting the needs of English-speaking medical students and house officers in their preparations for practical classes and clinical training in general surgery.